Monday, September 20, 2010

The oldest person I know

 The oldest person i knew was this lady who went to my church. She lived to be 100 years old, she was a sweet elderly lady. She was very short whenever I went to give her a hug I had to bend down and she would always joke around with that.  I loved seeing her smile everyday, because she was in pain most of time, but never showed it. So, that told me that if she could continue on in life without complaining then so should I. I think most people looked up to her in the church, because she was so free sprited person and didn't worry about anything, well she never showed it at least. She passed I believe a year ago I'm not to sure, but she's in a better place now. One thing I did like about her is that she wasn't bitter like some of the elderly people I've talked too once before, she was always willing to meet new people.

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